Sunday, February 4, 2007

Actually, I quite like cookies

Since gender identity and socialization issues are so often discussed/mentioned/debated in the blogosphere, I would like to make a brief point regarding my attitude towards stereotypical femininity and intelligence:

I caution all my readers not to automatically revert to a confrontational or condescending stance against those of us who ride “super cute” beach cruisers or choose to indulge in other outward displays of socialized femininity. The participation in (or enjoyment of) such ritual is not indicative of vapidity, a shallow demeanor, or a somehow inferior sense of identity and individuality. If you believe that such is the case, then you are simply reinforcing those stereotypes which (I agree) are extremely limiting and frustrating in their assumptions.

I absolutely commend those with the inspiration and innovation to go against the grain of conventional society and challenge traditional social roles (whether based in gender, race, class, or some other ideologically-loaded characteristic). I simply ask that you do not assume that everyone (or anyone, for that matter) who has a more outwardly conventional lifestyle is a mere “social cookie-cutter.” While it is true that we may endlessly scrutinize the sociological implications of such “boring” individuals, we may also scrutinize the persistent need for distinction, recognition, or divergence that seems so common to individuals who actively refute traditional norms and declare their independence from/superiority over said counterparts.

Now I’m off to watch the Superbowl in my sorority’s TV room…


Ren said...

I actually agree with what you say, for the most part. I have no problem with people choosing a more "outwardly conventional lifestyle." I support people who are choosing which parts they like and dislike, which you seem to be doing. My problem is when we (society) tends to only envision a binary system of gender, rather than embracing the fact that people can flow back and forth, and even sit somewhere in between.

Perhaps what I'm bothered by is part semantics, and then partially what those word choices indicate. My complaint isn't against actions that are considered masculine or feminine, but rather that we label them so. I don't care that a girl likes pink and likes to cook, as long as it doesn't mean that a guy is 'stepping out' of his gender by being 'feminine'. I want a girl to be able to play football with out it being considered a 'masculine' and therefore unusual or unexpected behavior.

Vanessa said...

the "individual" doesn't exist anyways

Anonymous said...

get a job ren! If a girl plays football that is way masculine, just like the crazy huge and very masculine women water-polo players. There are some arenas that are dominated by one gender for physical reasons. Other areas like cooking, if only women these days WOULD dominate that area more, seems like 60% of the college girls I meet either are very bad at or don't know how to cook more than a bowl of cereal.